Update: Opposition to Colorado bicycle bill

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Some Colorado lawmakers don't trust cyclists' judgment, and that could puncture passage of a bill that would allow cyclists to ride side by side.

The bicycle bill (HB1218) is one of several bills involving cycling that are on the dockets in state capitols across the West that were covered here last week.

The Colorado bill, which has passed the House, allows cyclists to ride two abreast when it wouldn't impede the normal flow of traffic. That's the rule in most states, according to the Durango Herald, which is covering the story. Currently, cyclists in Colorado have to more over when a vehicle is within 300 feet.

“I have serious concerns … allowing cyclists to use their own discretion when deciding to ride two abreast,” state Sen. James Isgar told the Herald. The Senate gets the bill next.

Michael Carroll, head of the Durango Wheel Club, said, “It's difficult to gauge exact distances” with cars and bicycles moving along the road at different speeds. The 300-foot rule, he told the Herald, is “archaic.”

Anyone interested can follow the bill at the Colorado legislative website.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2005/03/07/update-opposition-to-colorado-bicycle-bill/

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