Bicycle quote: Do-it-yourselfer builds unique, no-cost bikes

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“The most expensive bike I have cost me $3 because I had to buy some pieces for it. Everything else is just garbage that was given to me. I am brazen enough that if I am riding around and see some bikes with grass growing through them, I’ll knock on your door and ask if you want me to drag them off.”

— Freelance bike builder Mack Carter of Iowa Park, Texas. TimesRecordNews, June 6, 2010: “Building a better bicycle; Iowa Park man turns garbage, spare parts into innovative rides.”

Carter told the TimesRecordNews that he started building bikes about 7 years ago when he was looking for a bike to buy and determined they were all too expensive. Since then, he's built 50 to 75 bicycles. His repertoire includes tall bikes, low-riders, 'bents and trikes.

One of Carter's amazing innovations is the “Dryer Bike”, which uses a Kenmore dryer drum for its front wheel.

That bike, above, is pictured in the fun ride gallery at Atomic Zombie Extreme Machines. That website is definitely worth checking out if you've ever considered creating your own bike. There are instructions for welding, painting and other basics, as well as instructions for do-it-yourself bicycles.

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