Bike Snob in Seattle

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For a bike snob, that Eben Weiss is certainly one popular guy.

About 130 fans of his BikeSnobNYC blog showed up at University Book Store in Seattle on Saturday afternoon to hear him speak and to get autographs of his recently released book.

Weiss is making a tour of the western states to promote the book “Bike Snob, Systematically & Mercilessly Realigning the World of Cycling.”

It's a good thing that Weiss bikes regularly, because he needs his stamina. He had just flown in, with his bike, from San Jose where he participated in an event called “Bike Party” that lasted far into the night. He made earlier appearances in San Francisco and Austin and has an appearance in Portland on Sunday.


After “Bike Party,” he didn't look like he was ready to indulge in any activities of the Seattle bike culture, even though a few of us local bike bloggers invited him out for a ride or a beer. He had that how-do-I-get-out-of-this kind of look on  his face and we took the hint. He did, however, express some remorse at having missed the Painted Cyclists earlier in the day.

The humorist pokes fun at other cyclists on his BikeSnobNYC blog, but poked fun at his early cycling exploits in a slideshow. He showed pictures of himself growing up with many of his old bikes.


Weiss started the Bike Snob blog anonymously about three years ago. An editor in the book publishing business, Weiss thought it was necessary to keep his identity a secret because of some of his caustic comments. He revealed his identity when he published the book.

When asked if his blog is as popular now that people know who he is, he said simply that he doesn't check the stats for his blog.

His appearance was co-sponsored by Bike Works, a non-profit in Seattle that works to involve youth and adults in bicycles. Weiss thanked them for being on hand.

“Like Bike Works, I try to break down the barriers to cycling, but I do it through humor.”

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