30 days of biking: Quiet roads

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Some heavily trafficked roads put me on edge when I’m bicycling. That’s OK if they take me to a wide open road like this one.

This is the scene I see in my eyeglass mirror after I turn onto Cedar Grove Road near Issaquah, although I rarely see such a blue sky.

That’s Tiger Mountain in the background. The road is smooth and the grade is gentle. There’s plenty of room on the shoulder.

This is part of my route on a 36-mile loop that takes me on May Valley Road past Squak Mountain, up Issaquah-Hobart Road, then past the landfills on this road downhill to the Cedar River Trail, then home from Renton along Lake Washington.

These days, instead of passing the landfills, I turn left onto Francis Lake Road then roll downhill on Maxwell Road to Maple Valley, where I pick up the Cedar River Trail. It adds a couple of easy miles onto the route through a beautiful pastoral setting and avoids most of the odor and dust at the landfill and composting facility.

Lots of folks were riding their bikes on the rail-trail that follows the Cedar River. Everyone I spoke to today commented on the wonderful weather — sunny with temperatures in the upper 50s.

30 Days of Biking

Total days — 14/14

Total miles — 198

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/04/14/30-days-of-biking-quiet-roads/

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