A proper memorial for your revered bicycle

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Wondering about a proper resting place for your two-wheeled riding partner? Consider mounting its handlebars on your wall.

Trophy bike handlebar

There’s a rusting Fuji Dynamic 10 bicycle in my garage that is no longer road worthy and has been  replaced — several times. But I just can’t bear to part with it; we’ve been through so much together.

Maybe I should consider Bicycle Taxidermy.

If Roy Rogers could preserve Trigger’s horse hide over a plaster statue, I should do something similar for my bike.

There’s a fellow in the UK who has a solution to what he calls our “mechanical bereavement.”

He attaches your bicycle handlebars to a European oak plaque on which an epitaph has been engraved with your bike’s legacy.

You can send him your handlebars, or he can send you the kit and you can mount the handlebars yourself.

He specializes in Butterfly, Chopped, Cruiser, Dropped and Pursuit handlebars.

The taxidermist, Regan Appleton, says he got the idea after turning the handlebars of his fathers’ prized bicycles into mementos.

“One could argue that this process was born out of a post-modern distain for the conspicuous consumption of disposable objects but in reality it was a bit of laugh taken too far and turned into a bit of an obsession,” Regan writes at his website.

If you have questions, contact him at his Bicycle Taxidermy website.

Of course, if you think your bicycle might still be useful to someone, you can search “bicycle recycle” and the name of your town to find someplace to drop off your bike for a second life somewhere.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/11/17/a-proper-memorial-for-your-revered-bicycle/

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