Chuck Ayers is retiring from Cascade Bicycle Club leadership

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The executive director of the nation’s largest “local” bicycle club is stepping down after more than 15 years at the helm.

Chuck Ayers, Cascade Bicycle Club

Chuck Ayers, Cascade Bicycle Club

Chuck Ayers made the announcement on Thursday at the Cascade Bicycle Club’s website.

Citing the achievements of reaching 15,000 members, selling out many annual rides months in advance, and successful lobbying on many issues that made elected officials more aware of the bicycling community’s political might, Ayers wrote:

“Knowing I wouldn’t be at Cascade forever — although there have been times it’s felt like I might, it is important to me to leave the organization in a position of strength. That time has come.

“While I am 100% committed to the success of Cascade and our mission, I feel I have given to Cascade what I can and that it is time for new leadership to carry on. It’s time for me to ride over the crest onto a new stretch of road and see what waits around the next turn.  (And I do literally hope to ride many new stretches of roads and trails.)”

Ayers said his last day would be April 12. He will certainly be missed.

Board president Daniel Weise said a full search would be made to fill the executive director position, adding that a detailed transition plan will be announced next Tuesday, March 19.

“I want to personally thank Chuck for all that he has done for Cascade, and for building it into the powerhouse that it is today. I hold nothing but admiration for his legacy, and I’m proud to have served on the board during his tenure. The organization has tremendous, dedicated staff and is well-positioned to bring a new person on board and to achieve even greater success in pursuit of our mission.”

This sounds like a less tumultuous departure than the brief one in 2010.

That’s when the former board of directors asked him to resign, he refused and was fired. Widespread opposition to the action resulted in Ayers returning to the job within days and an overhaul of the board of directors.

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