Adventure Cycling awards “Oscars” for bike touring videos

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After being impressed with the winning images in the Adventure Cycling Association’s bike touring photography contests in recent years, I was really looking forward to the results of its Bike Travel Video Contest.

The winning videos announced recently in each of three categories did not disappoint. Each one is entertaining and should leave viewers with one common thought — traveling by bicycle is fun.

northern Europe by Bike from showmetheworld on Vimeo.

In my opinion, the succinctly named “Northern Europe by Bike” is the best of the best. The film by Stefan Böhm of Germany won the Best Long Distance Tour Video. It also earned the Bike Travel Spirit Award for best capturing the spirit of bicycle touring. That’s a nice accomplishment in 2:35 minutes.

After Stefan shows glimpses of all the best sights — and the sounds — from his adventures, he promises that more is coming. Traveling by bicycle through northern Europe, he says, “was not able to satisfy my curiosity about the world. So this is not the end, this is just the beginning.”

Adventure Cycling held the contest in collaboration with Blanche van der Meer and her WorldCycles Video group on A panel of volunteer judges chose the winners in each category. All the details are explained at the Adventure Cycling Association blog.

Other winners are “Use Your Weekend — Bicycle Mini Adventure” by Sam Smith from New York City. He won the Best Bike Overnight Video for a trip into the Catskill Mountains.

The winner for Best Portrait of a Traveling Cyclist was “Mama Like”, created and filmed by Brittany App of San Luis Obispo.

If you have some spare time, there are nearly 2,000 bicycle touring videos to peruse at WorldCycle Videos. Many of the films can  motivate even the most entrenched couch potato to see at least a part of the world by bicycle.

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