Across-state and multi-day bike tours listed here

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Over the past couple of weeks I’ve updated the state-by-state list of Across-State and Multi-Day bicycle tours. Some states have none, but most have multiple rides. I’d estimate there are more than 100 rides listed.

Rest stop on Biking Across Kansas

By popular demand (a few requests over the years), I’ve also listed the rides in a calendar and agenda format. This allows you to check what bicycle tours are available in different states during a certain time frame, such as during your vacation.

Here are the links:

State-by-state list

Calendar view

Agenda view

Most of the bike tours are mass ride type affairs with more than 100 people. The participants in the old grand-daddy RAGBRAI exceeds 10,000. Usually breakfasts and dinners are provided, but not always. Lodging is often your tent pitched in a park or school grounds, although there’s usually a way to score a motel room.


One trend that I’ve noticed over the years is for these bike tours to include one or two layover days, instead of breaking camp and moving everyday. The layover days usually feature loop rides in the vicinity, allowing riders to get a relaxed start and not have to worry about setting up camp at the end of the day.

Another trend is that many tour are gearing the rides toward families and novice cyclists, not just the high-mileage hounds.  Although the rides usually feature a century ride once a week and 50- to 75-mile days, they also offer low mileage options.

Tent city

Most of the rides are sponsored by nonprofits, usually state or regional bicycle associations. I’ve included some charity rides that run for multiple days in states that don’t have other multi-day rides. Some privately owned bike tour outfits have requested that I include their rides, and I usually acquiesce.

Take a look even if you’re not planning to spend a week-long vacation on your bike this year. You might just change your mind.




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