Category: Offbeat Bicycle News

Georgia police arrest bicycling bank-bandit suspect

A man suspected of robbing 11 mostly Atlanta area banks and making his getaways by bicycle has been arrested by police in Roswell, Georgia.

Police wouldn't say what led them to Carlos H. Arango-Mejia, 47, of Doraville. He was arrested at his home Wednesday night and immediately booked on two area bank robberies from last spring. …

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Why you don't leave a 2-year-old alone with your bicycle

A few years after moving to California, we shot a video of our house and family at Christmastime for our friends back in Maryland.

One stop on the tour was the Men's Crisis Center, the shed in the back yard where a new dad could get in some afterhours cranking on an old bike set …

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Plenty of cool bicycle wall calendars for 2008

Be aware that you're going to have a big ol' bare spot on your wall in a couple of weeks if you haven't bought a bicycling calendar to replace that 2007 model.

There are lots of bicycle calendars to choose from online. Some feature scenic road and mountain biking locales, while others feature professional and recreational women cyclists from around the world and across the Northwest.

As usual, the Cyclepassion 2008 wall calendar is undoubtedly the hottest one out there this year. Instead of relying on professional models, it features pro women cyclists. That's Norwegian mountain biker Gunn-Rita Dahle-Flesja on the cover ….

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Pair set new indoor spinning record

I'm always amazed at athletes who compete in endurance sports, especially those ultra events that involve sleep deprivation from hours and days in the activity.

UltraRob's Adventures blog tells about two cyclists — John “Blue Dog” Jurczynski and Mike “Mad Dog” Gallagher — who each set an indoor spinning record of 113 hours at a sports club in Laconia, New Hampshire, last night.

If confirmed officially, the effort will put the two in the pages of the next Guinness Book of World Records, barring the unlikely prospect that someone can beat 112 hours. Actually, the previous record of 111 hours, 11 minutes and 11 seconds had been set by George Hood last summer …

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What to give the man who leads the free world?

President Bush is known for his love of mountain biking, so it's no surprise that many world leaders gave him gifts with a bicycling theme.

In the cycling apparel line, Bush received cycling jerseys from Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt, NATO Secretary General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, and Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen. Verhofstadt also gave him cycling tights.

Former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, one of Bush's closest friends on the world scene, gave the president an electric-power assisted bicycle…

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Copy cat bicycle bandits hitting banks?

Authorities cleared a string of some 28 bank robberies in 16 states in September when Bruce David Voss, the so-called Bicycle Bandit, was arrested after a bank robbery in Tallahassee, Florida.

Caught red-handed with the cash and his getaway bicycle stuffed in the trunk of his car, the 57-year-old Voss confessed to a string of bank robberies. The next day, he hung himself in his jail cell before authorities could learn the details and locations of all the robberies.

But that hasn't been the end of bicycle bank robberies. There have been two other separate serial bank robbery sprees — in Georgia and New Hampshire — that have a similar modus operandi. The robber makes his getaway on a bicycle…

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Joe “Metal Cowboy” Kurmaskie finds the humor in bicycle touring

Joe Kurmaskie isn't exactly the poet laureate of bicycle tourists; he's more like the comic laureate.

I caught Kurmaskie's very entertaining talk at the Seattle Bike Expo, and I'm happy to see he's returning for another Metal Cowboy Holiday Spectacular at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11 at the downtown Seattle REI. (Cascade Bicycle Club members, 2 for $5; nonmembers $5.)

Kurmaskie's a funny guy. He spends many days every year bicycle touring, often with his family. If you're not familiar with the Portland bicyclist, here's an excerpt from a quiz he sent out earlier this year entitled: “Are You Addicted to Cycling?” …

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Bike wheel light art

I stopped attaching foreign objects in the vicinity of my bicycle wheels ever since I ruined a perfectly good Roy Campanella basball card a long time ago.

But let me pass along a couple of websites for wheel decorations suggested by a reader. Each sells circuit boards with LED lights attached that mount on the spokes of a bike wheel and display text or images as the wheel spins.

I've seen these before, but never really looked into it. If you have some time over the holidays …

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Biking in wilderness forbidden, even in Marin County

Argue as he might, Steven Gravenites couldn't convince the federal judge in San Francisco earlier this month that he should be found innocent of possession of a bicycle in a wilderness area.

The 45-year-old mountain biker and well-known Marin County, California, wheel-builder was fined $60 but was able to reclaim his bike. Rangers had taken it as evidence for illegal trail riding in the Point Reyes National Seashore in June.

An account of the trial — it actually made it to federal court — in the Marin Independent reports that Gravenites tried to get the court to consider the bigger picture of the history of mountain biking. …

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Bicycle is one of 101 gadgets that changed the world

It's always nice when a favored contraption gets a little respect.

In its list of 101 gadgets that changed the world, IOL Technology credits the bicycle as a useful gadget for becoming a widespread form of transportation and a vehicle toward the emancipation of women.

Justifying its claim, the magazine explains:

“First devised as a gentleman's play thing in the 1820s, the push-powered hobby-horse quickly evolved to become the most classless form of transport, trundling by the millions along highways and byways all over the world. …

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