East Lake Sammamish Trail
Regional bike trails in Seattle's King County won big in measures on Tuesday's ballot.
Two propositions to raise $108.5 million each over six years for maintenance and expansion of parks and regional trails won easily.
The East Lake Sammamish River Trail will be one of the big benefactors of the funding. The 11-mile chipped limestone rail-to-trail project that opened in March 2006 connects Redmond and Issaquah. It will be upgraded and paved.
Also, the East Lake Sammamish Trail will be connected through Marymoor Park with the Sammamish River Trail. The river trail runs from Redmond north to Woodinville, where it makes a connection to the Burke Gilman Trail around Lake Washington into Seattle.
Although the link route through Redmond's Marymoor Park is an easy one during the week, the narrow park roads can get congested and dangerous for cyclists during weekend events throughout the year.
Also, the park and trail expansion plans include extending the 4-mile Soos Creek Trail in southern King County to the Cedar River Trail that runs between Renton and Lansdowne through Maple Valley.
While these improvements are funded through the county's park budget, the parks' regional trail system links major employment centers throughout the county. The trails can go a long way toward making it easier and safer for people to commute by bicycle.
For other parks projects and details about Tuesday election, see the Seattle Times.
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