Windy South African bike race for Lance Armstrong

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Lance Armstrong knows all the details of the epic l'Alpe d'Huez and the Tourmalet climbs in France. Now he can say he knows about the howling winds at the Cape Argus too.

Armstrong finished in 9th place among the elite cyclists riding at the Cape Argus Cycle Tour in South Africa.

The 7-time Tour de France winner traveled to South Africa immediately after the Vuelta de Murcia in Spain to ride to raise funds for a South African charity.

The Cape Argus is a massive charity bike ride that boasted some 35,000 participants this year. It has an elite cyclist element, however, that Armstrong took part in.

Armstrong was part of a breakaway group and tried to set up his RadioShack teammate, Daryl Impey, for a sprint finish. The blistering winds, common along the route, spelled doom for that attempt. Impey finished in 3rd place, behind three-time winner Malcolm Lange.

From his Twitter page, Armstrong wrote:

“Argus Cycle Tour done! What a cool ride/race. Congrats to @darylimpey on gettin' 3rd. Wind was howling out there.”

Armstrong boarded a jet after the race. He's scheduled to race at the Milan-San Remo classic this coming Saturday.

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