Florida bicyclist left for dead, fights for recovery

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The Florida bicyclist who was left for dead behind a trash bin by a hit-and-run driver last December has been hospitalized since the crash but is showing signs of improvement.

Craig Camlin

Craig Camlin

Before the crash

Before the crash

Doctors took Craig Camlin, 53, off a ventilator a week ago and he is breathing on his own, says a sister, Jayne Camlin. “This is huge for us. Our goal is to keep him off the ventilator,” she told CBSMiami earlier this month.

A couple of days later, the family said he had been moved out of critical care to a rehab section of the hospital. Even so, doctors expect Camlin to be a quadriplegic the rest of his life.

The family set up a fund-raising page at HelpHopeLive.com to offset medical expenses as Camlin is uninsured.

Horrific crash

The Pompano Beach man’s life changed shortly after he jumped on his bicycle on the morning of Dec. 16 to ride to his job as a drywall installer.

Police said that at 6:30 a.m., the driver of a 2003 Ford Mustang struck Camlin from behind, flipping him over the car and onto the trunk. Camlin was stuck between the broken rear window and the rear spoiler.

The motorist continued his two-mile drive home, parked his car, then picked up Camlin and threw him behind a dumpster or trash bin, according to news reports. A landscaping crew found him and called authorities.

 “We have an individual that is fighting for his life and we have someone who tried to essentially hide him as he was fighting for his life.”

Fort Lauderdale Police Det. Deanna Greenla

Fort Lauderdale police arrested Axel Esteban Inostroza, 27, of Pompano Beach. He reportedly admitted to drinking before the crash and gave a full confession.

Camlin’s family is keeping a bedside vigil at North Broward hospital. At the HelpHopeLive fund-raising page, they write:

“Unfortunately, Craig had no health insurance and the bills are piling up as you can imagine. We hope to bring him home one day to New Jersey where most of his family lives, so we can help with his care.  Whatever you can do to help Craig go from Victim to Victor, he and our family would be MOST GRATEFUL! May God Bless You!”

Last I checked, $4,242 has been raised for Camlin.

The HelpHopeLive website says it ensures fiscal accountability of funds raised. It also offers tax deductions for donors, who can be sure their donations only go to medical expenses.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2014/02/18/florida-bicyclist-left-for-dead-fights-for-recovery/

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