Hot cycling weather arrives just in time for the STP

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Did you want hot and dry weather for cycling?

Water stops every 10 to 20 miles

Water stops every 10 to 20 miles

It’s here now, as 10,000 cyclists prepare for this weekend’s 200-mile Seattle to Portland Bicycle Classic. It will be as close to cycling through a furnace as you can get on this side of the Cascades.

Temperatures should be in the uppers 60s when waves of riders leave the University of Washington as early as 4:30 a.m. on Saturday. By midday, the temperatures will be in the upper 80s in Spanaway (Mile 53) and into the low 90s in the afternoon in Centralia (Mile 100).

On Sunday, temperatures will already be in the 80s by mid-morning in St. Helens (172 miles) and will rise to the mid 90s by the afternoon. There is a 20 percent slight chance of showers along the final part of the route on Sunday.

Needless to say, remember to keep your tank filled. This is a good weekend to practice the old adage — Drink before you’re thirsty, eat before you’re hungry.

The Cascade Bicycle Club and sponsors will have mini-stops with water set up every 10 to 20 miles along the route. Some of these also will have food.

One of the ride refs for Cascade bike rides had some words of wisdom on how to stay safe in these mass bike rides. Although the 10,000 riders in STP will be stretched along miles of roadway, it will be really congested in places.

Here are some of his suggestions. You can find them all at Staying alive at the Cascade forums page:

Situational awareness — Keep watching the cyclists in front, to the side and in back (using a mirror).

Look into turns — See the road ahead if you’re about to encounter bikes, glass, gravel.

Call out — Tell approaching cyclists you are “On your wheel” and “On your left” when you pass.

Stopping — Yell it out before you come to a stop.

Hand signals — Help notify those in back if you’re turning, left, right or stopping.

Pacelines — Use caution in pacelines. They’re everywhere in STP, and this could be the first time that some have ridden in one.


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