Biking Across Kansas — BAK rolls out for its annual cross-state bike ride in 2023. The ride follows prevailing winds, heading from west to east. Elkhardt to Pleasanton in 2023. Overnights in Satanta, Spearville, Stafford, Newton, Eureka, Chanute, and Garnett. Registration now open. Dates: June 10-17, 2023
Cottonwood 200 — A 3-day bicycle supported bicycle tour through the Flint Hills. Dates: May 27-29, 2023
See more Kansas road rides at Kansas Cyclist.

Ride the Fault — Cycle along parts of the New Madrid earthquake fault line through 4 states in 7 days. Experience the varying scenery and terrain of the states of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee while enjoying unique history and southern hospitality. Dates: June 17-23, 2023
Other Kentucky rides/events
Old Kentucky Home Bicycle Tour — For nearly 40 years, the ride leaves Louisville to Bardstown on 3 route options, including a century. Day 2 return to Louisville is 55 miles. Features the Cookie Stop Sag. Check website for updates. Dates: June 17, 2023
Cycle Zydeco — The ride features Creole cuisine and zydeco music in south central Louisiana. Presented in partnership between Transportation Recreational Alternatives in Louisiana and the Lafayette Convention and Visitors Commission. Check the website after Nov. 30 for registration and ride details. Dates: April 12-16, 2023
Tour du Rouge –– A multi-day bike tour from Houston to New Orleans. The fund-raiser for The ARC, which promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, covers 535 miles of back roads. Dates: May 7-12, 2023
Please update the listing for the “Ride the Fault Line Tour” in Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Kentucky as follows:
Starts in New Madrid, Mo, epicenter of the big quake, followed by overnights in Kennett, Mo., Paragould, Ark., Caruthersville, Mo., Reelfoot Lake State Park, Tn., Hickman, Ky., and Sikeston, Mo before finishing back in New Madrid.
Dates: June 14-20, 2015
Thanks for your help.
The Horsey Hundred is a big ride in Kentucky.
Please update the listing:
Ride the Fault Line (Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee) is back for 2023. This year’s dates are June 17-23. 3 states in 7 days.
Delete all references to 4 states and Illinois, the remainder of the info is OK.
I can send an updated image file if you supply an email address for that purpose.
THANKS!!! for all you do!