Check the event websites often as scheduling may change due to Covid-19 precautions.
Katy Trail Epicurean Tour –Take an Epicurean’s ride along the nation’s longest continuous fully developed rail-trail. Cycle 225 miles between Clinton and St. Charles while experiencing the best in lodging, food, wine, and unique attractions. Tours of Warm Springs Ranch, birthplace of the Budweiser Clydesdales; 1850’s era cellars of Stone Hill Winery; Daniel Boone’s home; and more. Six days of cycling. Dates: Aug. 26-Sept 1, 2023; Sept. 16-22, 2023; Oct. 8-14, 2023
BigBAM (Bicycle Across Missouri) — This bike tour across southern Missouri covers about 60 miles a day. Starts in Joplin with overnight stops in Willard, Lebanon, Waynesville, Rolla, Cuba, and ending in Eureka. Presented by Missouri Life Magazine and Pedaler’s Jamboree . Dates: June 5-10 and Oct. 9-14, 2023

Ride the Fault — Cycle along parts of the New Madrid earthquake fault line through 4 states in 7 days. Experience the varying scenery and terrain of the states of Missouri, Kentucky and Tennessee while enjoying unique history and southern hospitality. Dates: June 17-23, 2023
Shorter rides
Pedaler’s Jamboree — A live music meet-up on the Katy Trail. Gathering is at Kemper Park in Boonville, MO. Dates : May 27-28, 2023
Missouri bicycling guidebooks
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Thanks so much for promoting our (and all) events. Our surveys indicate a fair number of people use bikingbis when searching for rides to do.
A couple of 2022 updates-for Missouri/Illinois/Kentucky/Tennessee; “Ride the Fault Line” has been canceled once again due both to COVID issues AND also tornado damage along the route from the major December 10 storms. We DO plan to be back in June 2023!! There is an image to that effect up on the website. A mention of that website address in your listing would be very helpful to all concerned http://www.ridethefault.com
For Missouri: Same website mention would be useful for “KATY Trail Epicurean” http://www.katytrailbiketour.com
Also for Missouri, the 2022 KATY Trail Ride (“350 cyclists”) has also been canceled by the operator, Missouri State Parks. Reportedly it’s undecided whether it will return in the future.