Category: Bicycle Advocacy

Cyclists in Utah get 3 feet of space; bicycle traffic lights in California

(Updated March 21) Motorists in Utah will have to give bicycle riders 3 feet of clearance when they pass, according to a bill that Gov. Jon Huntsman was expected to sign on Friday.

The signing of the bill is only a partial victory …

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No bicycle lanes planned for busy West Lake Sammamish Parkway in Bellevue, Washington

Bicycling advocates are fighting for the addition of bike lanes to proposed improvements to the dangerous West Lake Sammamish Parkway in Bellevue. Currently, the city's staff is proposing a multi-use trail on the southbound shoulder that forces northbound and southbound bicycle riders and pedestrians to share the same 8- to 10-foot space. Bellevue City Council meetings on the issue are coming up.

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Three-foot gap for bicycles in Missouri too?

A bill in the Missouri legislature would require motorists to give bicycle riders a 3-foot clearance when passing. If it passes, it would benefit Mo's cycling citizens as well as all those loaded down bicycle tourists riding the TransAmerica route on the state's narrow roads.

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Update: Opposition to Colorado bicycle bill

Some Colorado lawmakers don't trust cyclists' judgment, and that could puncture passage of a bill that would allow cyclists to ride side by side. Currently, bicycle riders in Colorado have to move over to single file whenever a car is within 300 feet — a requirement that is difficult to gauge.

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Bicycle laws wheeled out in state capitols

Bicycle through a red light or wait for it to turn green? Ride single-file or two abreast? Enjoy a 3-foot clearance from passing traffic? Pay a recycling fee for a new bicycle? These are just some of the issues that are being argued this winter by state legislatures in several Western states.

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