Category: Bike Touring

Bicycle tourists retrace the steps of Lewis and Clark

Hundreds of modern day explorers are cycling on two wheels to follow in the footsteps of Lewis and Clark as the nation commemorates the expedition's 200th anniversary.

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One week to register for Bike Florida

Bike Florida's Red Hills to the Sea bicycle tour cuts off registration this Friday, Feb. 18.

The ride, which features worm gruntin' (whatever that is) and oyster shuckin' (I know what that is, yum), begins its week-long tour of the Florida Panhandle on March 19. It's the earliest multi-day state bicycle tour I have listed …

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Bike Virginia misses the summit this year

One of my fondest memories of cycling Bike Virginia in 2000 was struggling up a narrow, winding road to the Blue Ridge Parkway.

There were about 1,100 cyclists on the bicycle tour that year, and I remember hearing a lot of fear and loathing the night before the climb about the steep grade. When we reached …

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Traveling independently on a self-contained bicycle tour means no sag wagon, no mechanics, and no large group to look to for support.
But no matter how bad things might get, it seems that someone always shows up at just the right moment to lend a hand, offer a lift, or provide a place to stay.
Touring cyclists call this a rescue. Here's how my friend and I were rescued once while cycling the TransAmerica Trail in 1984.

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Retirement and independence on a bicycle seat

Roscoe and Ann Phillips are a retired couple who use their free time to take self-contained bicycle tours of the US and Europe. Here, they add Canada to their itinerary.

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New link in Seattle area bicycle paths

I'm greeted with a happy discovery on a warmish winter day bicycle ride.

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The price of attacking a bicycle rider

A man, pushed from his bicycle during a training ride, wins an out-of-court settlement from two teens.

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RAAMing across America

NBC aired last summer's Race Across America on Jan. 22. It featured charges of cheating, a support team abandoning its rider, and the usual heroics by most participants.

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More on Missouri town's bicycle ban

A Missouri newspaper recently editorialized about the town that prosecuted a “no bicycling” case against a man suffering MS.

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Bicycle vs. dog

Sooner or later, a bicyclist will run afoul of a dog. Man's goofy, drooling best friend turns into a ferocious prey-chasing carnivore…

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