Tag: 3-foot

3-foot passing becomes law on Jan. 1 in Washington state

Motorists in Washington state will be legally obligated to give bicyclists at least 3 feet of clearance when passing in the same lane beginning on Jan. 1.

The law, signed by Gov. Jay Inslee in May, passed the legislature this past session. With its enactment, Washington joined the more than 30 states that require motorists …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2019/12/26/3-foot-passing-becomes-law-on-jan-1-in-washington-state/

Kentucky legislature considers bike safety bill

A Kentucky senator is pushing a bill that requires motorists to give bicyclists a 3-foot gap when passing.

Currently 30 states and the District of Columbia require at least a 3-foot measure of safety when passing bicyclists. Kentucky’s neighbor to the north, Ohio, became the 30th state to require the gap when Gov. John Kasich signed the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2017/02/16/kentucky-legislature-considers-bike-safety-bill/

How to enforce 3-foot passing safety laws to protect bicyclists

Twenty-six states and the District of Columbia require that motorists give bicyclists at least 3 feet of space when they pass.

It’s the law.

But one of the big hurdles bike advocates face in pushing for passage of such legislation is enforcement. In state after state, police and legislators say that the 3-foot law is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2015/07/05/how-to-enforce-3-foot-passing-safety-laws-to-protect-bicyclists/

Two states add 3-foot bicycle-passing laws to the books: now it’s the law in 26 states

The state legislatures in Wyoming and South Dakota passed laws this year that require motorists to give bicyclists at least three feet of space when passing. The governors have signed those laws and they’ll go into effect later in 2015.

The success in those states will bring to 26 the number of states (and the District …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2015/04/14/two-states-add-3-foot-bicycle-passing-laws-to-the-books/

3 states consider bicycle bills requiring 3-foot passing; Nebraska considers ‘changing lanes’

State legislatures in Indiana, Wyoming and South Dakota are considering bills this year that would require that motorists give bicyclists a 3-foot gap when passing.

(March 19, 2015 — Other states considering passing laws — Alabama (SB 4 — 5 foot passing law passed Senate, goes to House; Massachusetts Bill H.3073 names bicyclists as vulnerable users and requires …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2015/01/22/2-states-consider-bicycle-bills-requiring-3-foot-passing/