Tag: bicycle theft Seattle

Latest stolen bike recovery sting in Seattle filmed live

Some bicycle theft victims in the Pacific Northwest have been taking the law into their own hands — in as much as they locate their stolen bicycles then set up a sting to get them back.

Sometimes police are on hand to make an arrest at the finale, sometimes not.

In the latest case, a guy from Portland who calls himself Simon Jackson posted a video about how he recovered his stolen bicycle in Seattle. It’s essentially a how-to video of setting up a sting to recover a stolen bicycle. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/08/16/latest-stolen-bike-recovery-sting-in-seattle-filmed-live/

76 stolen bikes recovered in Seattle sting operation

Schwinns. Cannondales. Novaras. Mongooses (Mongeese?) Specializeds. Windsors. Cervelos. Scotts. Diamondbacks. Mountain bikes. Road bikes. Commuter bikes.

They were all purchased for pennies on the dollar in the Oliver’s Twist sting operation set up by the Seattle police department.

The phony fencing operation scored more than 900 stolen items over the 11-month period it operated out …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/03/07/76-stolen-bikes-recovered-in-seattle-sting-operation/