Ed Pavelka retires from bicycling journalism

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You roadies out there probably know the name Ed Pavelka.

If memory serves me, I first ran across his byline on some entertaining and informative bicycle reviews he wrote for Bicycling magazine many years ago as he discovered the limits of bicycles he tested on the rolling Pennsylvania countryside.

He has served as editor of VeloNews and Bicycling magazine, and his name has appeared as author on more than a dozen books still available at Name Your Link'>Amazon.com.

Now he has announced the sale of RoadBikeReview.com, a website he launched in 2001 that focused on helping sport-recreational bicyclists improve their conditioning and riding skills to get the most out of bicycling.

Premium content

As well as a public website and newsletter, RoadBikeReview offers a premium subscription website and sells dozens of ebooks to help cyclists in the world of cycling. Titles include “Basic Training for Roadies,” “Your Home Bicycle Workshop,” “Off Season Training for Roadies,” and “Yoga, a Quick and Effective Program for Cyclists.”

John Marsh takes over as owner on Jan. 1 and already has launched a Facebook page and Twitter account as part of a business makeover. A website makeover is scheduled on Jan. 1.

Marsh says he intends retain the community aspect of RoadBikeReview that made it such a draw for him, and Fred Matheny, Jim Langley and Scott Martin will continue to write for the website.


In his final newsletter, Pavelka writes:

“I have no plans to continue in cycling journalism or even work at all.

“My journalism career dates to 1977 as editor of VeloNews, then Bicycling and finally RoadBikeRider.com. Before that I was founding partner in a Florida bike shop called Ten Speed Drive. Imagine making a living for 38 years when your passion is your vocation. I've been blessed.”

All I can say is “thanks” for all those years of writing about bicycling and helping myself and others enjoy it more.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2010/12/16/ed-pavelka-retires-from-bicycling-journalism/


    • Steve M. Lewis on February 23, 2023 at 4:56 pm
    • Reply

    Message for Ed. I knew you long ago. We used to ride together with TVS when you were at Ten Speed Drive on College Avenue in Tallahassee during the early to mid 1970’s. You probably remember my mother, Fiorella, who used to translate letters sometimes with Itallian vendors. Something made me Google your name and there you are! Those were great days and I appreciate all the advice and attention you gave me and anyone sharing our love affair with bicycles. Best to you.

    • Frank Jennings on August 21, 2023 at 12:38 pm
    • Reply

    Another message for Ed. We 1st met at Ten Speed Drive on college ave,1973, lots of rides and experiences through VT, (velonews), PA, ( Bicycling), NC, (Web) ,Las Vegas. Thank you
    Ed for what you have done to expand the pie, and increase my enjoyment of cycling . Your encouragement helped me to enter the retail end of cycling that has resulted in a 45 year career in bicycle retail, still going strong on Martha’s Vineyard.

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