Finding a companion for your long-distance bike tour

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“We were completely different backgrounds — she’s a liberal Seattle Democrat — but we got along famously. We didn’t talk politics — when you’re trying to survive the wilderness, politics is low on the list.”

Wentling and Joerger in Bar Harbor

Maybe members of Congress should take a bicycle tour — a very long bicycle tour — together.

At least, that’s how Traci Wentling, 54, of Dodge City, Kansas, described finding a companion for her bicycle tour across the Northern Tier this past year.

With her husband or friends unable to take the 3-month ride, she used the best source for turning a solo bicycle tour into a duet, or a trio — the Companions Wanted website at Adventure Cycling Association.

Wentling said she got “six nibbles” after posting an ad but one firm commitment from Sue Joerger of Seattle, according to the Dodge Globe. Although they had planned to only travel the first 19 days together, they had such a good time that Joerger flew to Buffalo, NY, to accompany Wentling on the last 22 days of the trip.

Wentling took the trip to raise funds for New Hope on the Plains, a Dodge City-based ministry of the Nazarene Church. To learn more about her experiences and see photos of her adventure, check out her blog at

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