More work on Burke Gilman this week; mountain biking film on tap

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Don’t be concerned when you see work crews show up on the Burke-Gilman Trail near Mathews Beach starting today.

There won’t be any miles-long detours around work areas for months on end like those facing bicyclists last year.

The Seattle Department of Transportation is repairing the pavement on the Hall of Fame rail-to-trail between NE 97th and NE 110th streets, “as weather permits.” The crews will be filling potholes and fixing problems caused by tree roots.

A SDOT spokesperson says the trail will remain open and flaggers will help direct cyclists through the area. The work should be done before the end of the week.

“Where the Trail Ends”

That could be the name of a movie about the Burke Gilman’s missing link in Ballard, but it isn’t. This movie is about free mountain bike riders seeking terrain around the globe that hasn’t previously been ridden.

The Red Bull Media House-produced film, “Where the Trail Ends,” can be viewed at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at The Crocodile at 2200 2nd Avenue (2nd and Blanchard) in downtown Seattle.

Here’s a link to the event page at The Crocodile that gives the details and pricing (if you’re at work, turn down the volume), and here’s a link to the Where the Trail Ends website.

Here’s a trailer (didn’t these guys ever learn that ‘skidding’ isn’t good riding technique? I suppose there are exceptions…):

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  1. […] rest is here: More work on Burke Gilman this week; mountain biking film on tap This entry was posted in Biking and tagged burke, continue, end, fame, hall, mathews, pavement, […]

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