New name, same goal at Bicycle Alliance of Washington

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Washington Bikes. Yes we do. But that’s more than a description of how Washington residents commute, run errands or recreate. Washington Bikes is the new name for the Bicycle Alliance of Washington.

Washington Bikes is new name and logo for Bicycle Alliance of Washington

Washington Bikes is new name and logo for Bicycle Alliance of Washington

The statewide bicycle advocacy group has decided it’s time to polish up its image with a new name and new logo.

Executive Director Barb Chamberlain explains the alliance board noticed that other advocacy groups around the nation are rebranding “with names that embody the goal of the organization — the very reason it exists.”

For instance, the nationwide Bikes Belong Coalition and Bikes Belong Foundation in September merged and changed their names to PeopleForBikes. The coalition of bicycle suppliers and retailers donates to community bicycle projects, among other advocacy tasks.

At last weekend’s Bicycle Alliance of Washington auction, Chamberlain explained the new name “will inspire people to get on board and contribute to our future growth and success. An action-oriented, goal-oriented name will invite in new partners, from individuals to businesses to entire communities, who appreciate the difference bicycling makes whether or not they ride themselves.”

So, henceforth, the proper name of the group changes from a static noun to a noun that also looks like a verb — Washington Bikes.

And, although it might not sound right at first, it will be correct to start a sentence: “Washington Bikes is …. .”

Washington Bikes is currently working on its legislative agenda for 2014.

You can check out its work in Olympia in 2013 at Washington Bikes’ Legislation and Statewide Issues page. The highlight of the session must have been passage of the law that allows communities to reduce speed limits on non-arterials to 20 mph, the so-called Neighborhood Safe Streets Bill.

Next year, it’s likely that Washington Bikes will be working on two bills that require motorists to give bicyclists 3 feet of space when passing —  HB 1743 and SB 5564. Currently, 22 states and the District of Columbia require 3 or 4 feet when passing.

Different view of Washington Bikes logo

Different view of Washington Bikes logo

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