Traveling bicyclist and his partner raise awareness about rescue dogs

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Dogs and bicyclists have a special relationship, all too often involving the dog chasing the bicyclist.

That’s not the case with Mike Minnick and Bixby, however. The pair are sharing a bicycle as they travel together around the US, stopping at animal shelters along the way to raise awareness about the need to rescue pets that have been abandoned.

Mike and Bixby at the beach

Since starting their journey 3 1/2 years ago, the two have traveled an estimated 22,000 miles across 44 states with Mike pedaling and Bixby watching the world go by from his perch in a basket attached to the Yuba Mundo cargo bike.

Mike rescued Bixby, now 7, from an animal shelter in Austin. He recently told a TV reporter in Louisiana:

“This amazing creature has rescued me and has given me a way bigger purpose in life. For me, it took adopting this amazing creature from my local animal shelter to give me that little bit of encouragement I needed to actually start doing it.”

Since then, they’ve visited some 100 animal shelters across the country.

Initially setting out in a pickup truck, they were stranded in a small west Texas town after the truck broke down. They met two travelling bicyclists there, and Mike decided to continue their travels by bicycle.

While many touring bicyclists find that it’s easier to meet local residents when they’re bicycling, imagine how traveling with a dog on a bike would raise folks’ curiosity.

In addition to in person contact, Mike rolls out his message at the Where’s Bixby website, as well as platforms on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter,and Instagram.

We wish Mike and Bixby safe and happy adventures as they circumnavigate the US.

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