Tag: senior

Retirees riding bicycles in greater numbers

All little Johnny wanted was a new bicycle for Christmas when he was a kid. Now, 60 years later, John Sr. is retired, and he still wants a bicycle.

The Wall Street Journal has discovered that “more older people” (hey, be careful who you’re calling old) are taking up bicycling.

A poll by the AARP …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2015/12/22/retirees-riding-bicycles-in-greater-numbers/

Cycling centenarian sets records in France

This guy is awesome. His feats are amazing. But if I start training tomorrow, I think I can challenge his records when I qualify in the year 2050.

French cyclist Robert Marchand, age 100, last week rode his bicycle on a track for 100 kilometers in 4 hours, 17 minutes and 27 seconds. That works out to about 14.3 mph, which is decent.

Because there’s no 100K record on the books for his age group, the Union Cycliste Internationale said it will recognize Marchand’s feat. The over-100 category was created in February …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/10/02/cycling-centenarian-sets-records-in-france/

Bob Lee’s amazing bicycle adventure around the U.S.

Bob Lee plans to embark on the third and final leg of his perimeter bicycle travels — Ride for 3 Reasons — around the continental United States this fall to raise money for three charities.

Now 70 years old, Lee continues to inspire me to never stop riding a bicycle.

Current plans call for him …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/06/13/bob-lees-amazing-bicycle-adventure-around-the-u-s/