Category: Racing

Mechanical “doping”, a new way to cheat in pro cycling

Ever since the Lance Armstrong doping scandal revealed widespread use of performance enhancing drugs by competitive cyclists, I’ve pretty much ignored the bicycle racing universe at this blog.

But here is a new way to cheat that no amount of blood tests can uncover. A Belgian cyclist at the cyclo-cross World Championships has been accused …

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Trailer for Trans Am Bike Race film — “Inspired to Ride”

You might remember that last summer some 45 bicyclists took off from Oregon for the first-ever self-contained cross-country bicycle race — The Trans Am Bike Race. No drafting. No sag wagons. No support teams.

Fortunately, a team of filmmakers followed some of them. Here’s a just-released trailer of their film, entitled “Inspired to Ride,” based on the race. …

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Brit wins Trans Am Bike Race in 17 days

It only took Mike Hall of Harrogate, UK, 17 days-16 hours to ride his bicycle from Astoria, Oregon, to Yorktown, Virginia, on the TransAmerica Trail bicycle route, a distance of 4,406 miles.

It’s the same epic route that touring bicyclists have used to cross the US since 1976. Their journeys are usually completed in months, …

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Trans Am Bike Race leader crosses into Virginia

The leader of the unsupported Trans America Bike Race crossed into Virginia Sunday morning, just 15 days after setting off from Astoria, Oregon.

This is the last leg of the race for Mike Hall, 33, of Harrogate, UK. He still has to cross a series of Appalachian hills and valleys on the Trans America Bicycle Route …

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Trans Am Bike Race cyclists stretched across the West

The Trans Am Bike Race is 9 days sold and the remaining 38 cyclists in the unsupported bike race are spread across 1,975 miles of the western United States.

Michael Hall, 33, of Harrogate, UK, is leading the race as he approaches Larned, Kansas, with 2,456 miles behind him. He’s followed by Jason Lane, 32, of …

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First day on the road for Trans Am Bike Race

How far do you normally go on the first day of a multi-day bike tour when you’re carrying all your gear? Thirty-five miles? Fifty miles? Eighty miles?

Probably not more than 450 miles, but that’s how far Canadian Jason Lane traveled in his first day (actually his first 29 hours) of the Trans Am Bike Race that …

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“Ride the Divide” film crew returns for Trans Am Bike Race

One of the best bicycling films I have had the pleasure of viewing is “Ride the Divide,” a documentary that captures the action and competitors in the grueling 2,700-mile Tour Divide mountain bike race.

Now that production team, including Mike Dion and Hunter Weeks, is getting together to film the inaugural Trans Am Bike Race, which takes …

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Route and bike teams announced for Tour of California

Those of you planning to attend at least one of the eight days of bike racing at the 2014 Amgen Tour of California can find detailed route descriptions and maps online.

Organizers of the ninth edition of the bike race — running Sunday, May 11, through Sunday, May 18 — posted the details of the routes, …

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Death Valley National Park freezes bike race and charity bike ride permits

Event organizers who operate charity bike rides and bike races in the Death Valley National Park learned just before Christmas that no new permits for such sporting events will be issued at the park in 2014.

The park service is citing safety concerns and a need to study such sporting events before issuing permits for …

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Trans Am Bike Race: It’s all about bragging rights

Plans are underway for next summer’s inaugural Trans Am Bike Race. The coast-to-coast self-supported bike race follows the Adventure Cycling Association’s TransAmerica Trail.

The rules for bicyclists competing in the 4,233-mile-long event are spelled out succinctly on the race poster:

“No outside support. No drafting. No entry fee. No prize money.”

That might be a …

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