Tag: cycling

Lance Armstrong’s first appearance will be — where else — on Oprah!

With the many accomplished cycling journalists of many nationalities who have followed Lance Armstrong’s career, who better to get the first interview since his downfall than hard-hitting investigative reporter Oprah Winfrey.

With CNN’s Larry King retired now, I suppose Winfrey is the best choice for Armstrong to spin his story. He appears next Thursday on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/01/08/lance-armstrong-first-appearance-will-be-where-else-on-oprah/

Biggest mystery of Tour of California resolved; also TV schedule

A big question has loomed over the Amgen Tour of California bike race that starts on Sunday: Is 3-time winner Levi Leipheimer well enough to compete in the 8-stage race?

Leipheimer, who suffered a fractured fibula when he was struck from behind by a car in early April, finally answered that question on Friday. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/05/12/biggest-mystery-of-tour-of-california-resolved-also-tv-schedule/

‘Panic mode’ for Giro d’ Italia leader after bike crash in Stage 2

This is how @taylorphinney celebrates another day in the lead... on TwitpicWhen he crashed and dropped his chain just 5 miles from the finish line on Sunday, it looked like American Taylor Phinney’s brief spell as Giro d’Italia leader was about to come to an end.

The 21-year-old cyclist on the BMC Racing squad on Saturday had become only the third American ever to wear the overall leader’s jersey in the Giro, and it looked like it might be a one-day event.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/05/06/panic-mode-for-giro-d-italia-leader-after-bike-crash-in-stage-2/

Where to watch Paris-Roubaix bike race on Sunday

Unless you’re out on your bicycle, it should be fairly easy to watch the Paris-Roubaix bike race on Sunday.

NBC Sports Network (the old Vs. channel on cable) is airing The Hell of the North from 9 to 11 a.m. Sunday (Eastern time), with a repeat from 7 to 10 p.m. EST.

Cycling.TV will offer a live webstream beginning at 7 a.m. Sunday (Eastern time); the first hour of coverage is free, but then you need a subscription.

It’s the “mother of all mothers,” the “biggest one-day adventure on a bike you can have,” and “260k’s of torture,” according GreenEDGE teammates Matthew White, Stuart O’Grady and Baden Cooke. “It’s like being stuck in a washing machine and someone shaking the shit out of you,” says Matt Wilson. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/04/07/paris-roubaix-bike-race-airs-sunday/