Tag: TV

Lance Armstrong’s first appearance will be — where else — on Oprah!

With the many accomplished cycling journalists of many nationalities who have followed Lance Armstrong’s career, who better to get the first interview since his downfall than hard-hitting investigative reporter Oprah Winfrey.

With CNN’s Larry King retired now, I suppose Winfrey is the best choice for Armstrong to spin his story. He appears next Thursday on …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/01/08/lance-armstrong-first-appearance-will-be-where-else-on-oprah/

Pedal America begins airing this weekend — except in Seattle

A new 7-part public television series that examines bike culture in North America begins Saturday in some major cities, just in time for National Bike Month.

“Pedal America” is hosted by Ira David, a New York City native and avid cyclist who has criss-crossed the country many times on his bicycle to benefit charities and causes in the past.

Aiming to “educate, inspire, and motivate cyclists of all ages to rediscover the basic joys of cycling,” David and co-host Kati Lightholder visit far-flung locations to find examples of bicycling goodness in people and places …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/05/04/pedal-america-begins-airing-this-weekend-except-in-seattle/