Tag: touring

Free e-book explains self-guided bicycle tours

There are many styles of bicycle touring.

At one extreme are independent cycling holidays by those who map their own routes and find camping or lodging as they go. At the other end are cushy catered affairs where sag wagons wait at the bottom of every hill and cyclists find a chocolate on their pillow …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/09/05/free-ebook-explains-self-guided-bicycle-tours/

How 4 bicycle travelers got through the North Cascades mudslides

There’s nothing like a first-person account from a touring bicyclist to add drama to the closure of the North Cascades Highway this past weekend.

Bekah Gordon wrote one at InventureTime.com, telling how she and her three companions slogged through mud and running water, hefted their loaded touring bikes over guardrails, then escaped an oncoming hailstorm …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/08/13/how-4-bicycle-travelers-got-through-the-north-cascades-mudslides/

Mud slides close Northern Tier bicycle route in Washington

Traveling bicyclists heading out on the Northern Tier Bicycle Route from Anacortes or nearing their final destination will find their way blocked on State Route 20 — the North Cascades Highway.

Heavy rain and hailstorms that blasted Rainy Pass over the weekend unleashed mud and rock slides across the scenic highway, forcing its closure by the Washington State Department of Transportation.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/08/13/mud-slides-close-northern-tier-bicycle-route-in-washington/

Overnight bike touring book for Washington state in the works

As more people use their bicycles for commuting, errand-running and recreation, we can only expect more cyclists to use their bicycles for overnight touring.

Washington state is already on the map for many long-distance bike routes created by Adventure Cycling Association that begin or end here, as well as their 856-mile Washington Parks loop.

Otherwise, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/08/08/overnight-bike-touring-book-for-washington-state-in-the-works/

Canada’s Great Divide Mountain Bike Route a ‘complete washout’

If you are planning to start your Great Divide Mountain Bike Route ride in Canada, the Adventure Cycling Association has a suggestion: Don’t do it.

The 253-mile stretch from Banff, Alberta, to Roosville, Montana, is devastated by extraordinary flooding and flood damage, the association warns.

Carla Majernik, Routes and Mapping Director of Adventure Cycling, said:

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/06/28/canadas-great-divide-mountain-bike-route-a-complete-washout/

Arrests in rape of Swiss bicycle tourist in India; traveler warnings for women

Police in India say they’ve arrested six men who confessed to raping a Swiss woman who was touring the country by bicycle with her husband.

The horrific news of the rape surfaced over the weekend from a country where sexual attacks against women have been described as a “national problem” by the UN’s chief of …

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Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/03/18/arrests-in-rape-of-swiss-bicycle-tourist-in-india-traveler-warnings-for-women/

Olympic Discovery and Olympic Adventure trails keep growing, improving

Someone asked me recently if I was going to do any bicycle touring this summer, and I realized that I hadn’t really thought about it.

Discovery Trail near Port Angeles

Too often my bike tours are last-minute decisions, and I end up filling my panniers with anything within reach and roll down the driveway toward the John Wayne Pioneer rail-trail.

Visiting the Seattle Bicycle Expo this weekend, however, I got the lowdown on the ever-growing Olympic Discovery Trail on the Olympic Peninsula. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2013/03/11/olympic-discovery-and-olympic-adventure-trails-keep-growing-improving/

Bicycle Tour Network: new name and new ideas

The organizers of hundreds of multi-day bicycle tour events in North America have changed their association’s name and are holding a conference at the swank Grand Hyatt Denver at the end of the month.

Wouldn’t it seem more appropriate for them to be camping out on a high school campus where the hot water boiler has been shut off for the season and where they hold their meetings in a stuffy gymnasium?

The National Bicycle Tour Directors Association is now simply …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/10/08/bicycle-tour-network-new-name-and-new-ideas/

3-day weekend bicycling the John Wayne Pioneer Trail

When my wife texted me last Friday that I should take advantage of the sunny fall weather with a Labor Day weekend bike trip, she didn’t have to repeat the offer.

I got to spend a spectacular weekend up on the John Wayne Pioneer Trail, a rail-trail that starts at Cedar Falls east of Seattle and rolls all the way to the Idaho border.

Of course, I didn’t go the full length. With a late start on my touring bicycle on Saturday, I was lucky to make it to that first campground at Alice Creek. It’s a 50-mile ride from home. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/09/07/3-day-weekend-on-john-wayne-pioneer-trail/

Oregon’s Old West Scenic Bikeway captured on video

Oregon boasts nine official Scenic Bikeways that allow bicycle tourists to easily experience some picturesque landscapes on low-traffic roads.

Now Travel Oregon is promoting them on video. Their first film, a larger version can be seen on the jump, shows some highlights from the Old West Scenic Bikeway in eastern Oregon. The 174-mile bike loop starts in John Day and is designed to take three days. …

Permanent link to this article: https://www.bikingbis.com/2012/08/31/oregons-old-west-scenic-bikeway-captured-on-video/